Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility Successful Business Free Essay Example, 2000 words

Establishments all over Metro Manila solicited donations and relief goods for those affected by the storm, with some even contributing their facilities for use as shelters. Nor is this the first time this has happened there. Rebecca Tonn (2009) adds to this by citing the 2007 Grant Thornton survey of US Business Leaders, wherein 77% of business executives attested that corporate responsibility enhances their profitability. Exactly how corporate responsibility is demonstrated varies. Some corporations do not have programs dedicated to it, but they do engage in acts such as charity, recycling, reducing energy consumption, and even outreach programs. Others explicitly state what is and is not allowed with regard to working conditions and such Manpower Professional, for example, has a definite stance against child labor and unsafe working conditions. As a matter of fact, Toni Fleming, one of its business development managers, attributes a good part of their success to be exact, 62% of their business leads and 34% of their clients - to their sense of corporate social responsibility and volunteer work. Jim Burton of Grant Thornton s Denver branch further adds that companies need to understand their consumers and their needs, as these consumers judge companies based on their social responsibility. We will write a custom essay sample on Corporate Social Responsibility: Successful Business or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page And since we will naturally not want to deal with greedy, dishonest business tycoons, they then need to factor in ethics and morality in their daily business decisions. That same article goes on to quote Thomas Hobbes, who describes just how grim life in an amoral society would be.

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